Our Approach
It is our belief that each intervention we facilitate is as unique as the families we serve. For this reason Intervention 180 has gone to great lengths to a successful method of intervention. We do not subscribe to one specific model of family interventions or addiction interventions. Instead, we utilize aspects of evidence-based family interventions, counseling, sober companionship and motivational techniques. Creating a truly customized fit for each individual, family or business. Due to this individualized approach, we are proud to report a 95% success rate when motivating individuals to enter and complete treatment. We are also one of the few providers to offer invitational model interventions. Our approach to family interventions, addiction intervention, mental health intervention and many other interventions, is proven and saves lives.
How We Help
Interventions are highly structured meetings of friends, family and/or co-workers coming together to inspire an addicted individual (or any struggling person) to seek help. Often times the addicted individual is unaware or unable to see and feel the destruction they are causing within the family. Our intervention services help to increase the addict's awareness of how much they are cared about and how their addiction is affecting those around them. We offer interventions for the following disorders: addiction intervention, alcohol intervention, eating disorder intervention, mental health intervention, behavioral intervention, gambling intervention and sex addiction intervention. Our services are not only designed for adults but adolescents, teens, seniors and the hearing impaired. We also provide intervention services in other languages.
Intervention 180 provides family interventions, transport and sober companions for the following disorders:
Addiction Intervention
Heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, ecstasy, alcohol, crack, club drugs and prescription drug intervention.
Mental health Intervention
The mental health diagnosis can be primary or secondary, we are equipped to help in acute psychiatric situations.
Transporting highly resistant teens and adolescents to treatment.
Eating disorders, gambling addiction, sexual addiction, cutting and other self harm addictions.
Our goal is to keep your family together.

Why Intervention Works
Whether performing addiction intervention, adolescent intervention, mental health intervention or behavior intervention, we find our approach is 95% successful if the family is compliant. Intervention allows the addict the opportunity to hear how their disease(s) is/are affecting friends, family and co-workers. When done in an appropriate fashion, this recognition creates motivation for change.
The process of addiction intervention is more than convincing someone to go to treatment. Intervention is creating motivation to change, providing a safe environment for change and the instilling of a willingness to complete and participate in treatment.
If you are unsure whether addiction intervention, mental health intervention or behavior intervention are right for you, please feel free to contact us any time.
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Client Testimonials
Cynthia R.
Edmonds, Washington
I first learned about intervention when I saw the "Intervention TV show". My daughter suggested we have an intervention for our son TJ. At first I was against the idea. I was scared that if we stood up to him, we would never see him again or that he would just get worse. Our daughter would not let the idea go after watching the show. She researched all the interventionists and companies that provide professional interventions. We talked to a few different individuals and a couple of the recommended companies. But when we talked to Tom we knew it was a great fit. Tom explained that not all interventions happen like on the "Intervention TV show". He explained that we could invite TJ to meet with us instead of surprising him or tricking him into an intervention.
Tom lead us in two days of learning and then made recommendations for all of us! My husband and I are still going to Family Anonymous meetings and our daughter is seeking her own help for her own issues. TJ went into a treatment center for 3 months and has been clean and sober since 2007!
I felt writing this testimonial could help another mother like me, find the hope I found and quiet some of the fear. Interventions really do work. Tom and his team really changed our lives. None of it was easy but our son was about to die and our daughter was having problems we didn't even know about until the intervention. We are far from perfect, but we are on the right track. Thanks to all of you that helped our family get to where we are now.
Intervention 180 is in no way associated with the Intervention TV show.
Eric S.
Auburn Hills, Michigan
I just wanted to let you know I took my 2 year chip at the Friday meeting last week. I am emailing everyone that was in the intervention and thanking them today. I wanted to email you too and thank you again for everything you did. I know I fought you at first and was rude during the intervention but you know about all that. When you were telling me your story on the plane I finally felt like maybe I could do it this time. I never felt that before. I was always doing it with conditions and to get the heat off. But here I am with two years! Thanks again man for the support and I am glad we have kept in touch. Let me know when you are gonna be up here so we can grab a coffee or hit a meeting.
The Mills Family
Temecula, California
We wanted to thank you both for all your help in getting Jerome into treatment. This whole process has been so difficult for Roger and I. We blamed ourselves for his behavior for so long and thought we could fix it ourselves. But when he got arrested we knew we didn't have the answers. That night when the two of you came to meet with us we felt so much relief. We got answers to so many of the questions we kept asking each other. We learned so much from your presentation and the phone calls after Jerome went in. Over the past 7 months we have come to realize that everything happens for a reason. Since he moved into the sober living house we have started to visit him more often. We are starting to feel like a family again and seeing the old Jerome come back. Roger and I are still going to the Alanon meetings you suggested and Vanessa is seeing her therapist and going to the one Alateen meeting we have here in the area. We are so thankful we were lead to you and that you are still involved in Jerome's recovery.