How we work
The Intervention TV show presents one model of intervention services. This model of intervention is appropriate for certain situations and clients. Unlike the Intervention TV Show we utilize elements from several approaches to create a highly customized and effective intervention for each family and client. Many of our callers wonder if the TV show is what an intervention is really like. In many ways the intervention TV show is similar to the interventions we conduct. Interventions always involve a high level of emotional intensity. Since addiction kills people, interventions are very serious and can be quite somber. Unlike the intervention TV show, interventions are not always a surprise for the addicted individual. There are times that we utilize invitational approaches to intervention, 1-on-1 intervention and long term interventions. This is all based on what is found in our assessment.
More About Intervention
An intervention is a highly structured meeting of friends, family and/or co-workers coming together to inspire an addicted individual to seek help. Addiction is a disease, which involves the symptom of denial. Often times the addicted individual is unaware or unable to see and feel the destruction they are causing. Our intervention services help to increase the addict's awareness of how much they are cared about and how their addiction is affecting those around them.
If you are reading this you need to know that you are not alone. Over 20 million Americans are suffering from the disease of addiction and in need of help. It has long been stated that addicts need to "hit bottom" in order to accept help. At Intervention 180, it is our belief that the purpose of intervention is to "raise the bottom" in an effort to safeguard the addict and those affected by their addiction from having to experience the worst consequences of the disease. An intervention is a highly structured meeting designed to help the addict recognize how their use is affecting the ones the love. Family, friends, an organization, co-workers or even the children of the addict can arrange the intervention with us. There are several different formats and styles of Intervention.
The Intervention 180 Approach
It is our professional belief that certain types of addiction and mental illness require specific approaches of intervention. To use a confrontational approach with someone who has been traumatized can re-traumatize that individual. At Intervention 180 we are professionals, who specialize in more than just "getting a person into rehab". We go to great lengths to ensure that your loved one is treated with dignity and expertise during the intervention process. Our interventionists, addiction consultants and recovery management professionals are trained in several different clinical disciplines to ensure a holistic experience for all.
Where We Provide Services
Intervention 180 has employees and professional resources all over the United States and Canada. We also can travel international if the need exists. We work hard to keep our services affordable for everyone. If you are curious if we provide services in your area, please call.
Interventions really do work. Tom and his team really changed our lives. None of it was easy but our son was about to die and our daughter was having problems we didn't even know about until the intervention.
Cynthia R. | edmunds, Washington

Services We Offer
Intervention services are an effective way to neutralize crisis and help someone who is suffering. No matter how severe your loved ones addiction, mental health or behavioral problems are, we can help. Our highly effective and proven method of intervention services, (intervention, addiction intervention and other recovery services) not only help the individual grow and find recovery, but the entire family. By educating families about the disorder(s) the family system changes. Once the system changes, the addict is no longer enabled to stay in their disease. This helps to create the inspiration, which motivates the addict to accept help.
a.r.m.s - Assisted Recovery management services and basic monitoring services
Addiction treatment centers for adults and adolescent residential treatment centers are showing increasing success rates. A large part is due to the understanding that post treatment monitoring is a crucial component of long term success. Research has proven that a client's Addiction Recovery Success Rate increases by well over 70% when a higher level of structure is implemented during their first year of recovery. A higher level of structure meaning post addiction treatment drug and alcohol testing, monitored 12-step attendance, coaching, referral resources, family support and additional services as needed.
Addiction was ruled a disease by the American Medical Association (AMA) in 1976. In the past 20 years the field of addiction medicine has gained considerable insight into the medical workings of addiction. Recovery Management and Monitoring takes the skills taught in treatment centers, 12-step meetings and implements them in a concrete fashion within the home or work environments. Recovery Management and Monitoring have been implemented for years amongst doctors, lawyers, airline pilots and other professionals. These services help track and ensure the professionals abstinence before, during and after their return to the work force. On average, these professional monitoring programs report success rates of 80%-95%. Assisted Recovery Management creates a safety net of resources for these professionals to utilize in early recovery. Intervention 180 is now making these evidence based services available to everyone.
sober companion & recovery mentoring services
Sober Companion and Recovery Mentor services were designed to help newly recovering people implement recovery in their home environment. Comparable to a life coach or personal advisor, Sober Companion and Recovery Mentor Services are often utilized for high profile professionals, musicians on tour, actors and athletes. However, Sober Companion and Recovery Mentoring services are now being recognized as a highly beneficial aide for all recovering people who struggle to maintain abstinence.
We are the only company to provide sober companion services on two separate levels of intensity. These two levels are:
Clinical Recovery Mentoring - A certified counselor will be provided for you or your loved one. This professional will be put in place prior to discharge from treatment. They will be methodically matched to your loved one to ensure a therapeutic match. These services are highly recommended for those with mental health disorders in conjunction with addictive disorders. The counselor/mentor will escort your loved one home and help them transition into the home environment. They will meet with the client and their family to ensure open lines of communication. They will help establish a professional support network for the client. This service will be provided for various lengths of time based on the clients needs.
Non-Clinical Recovery Mentoring - A trained recovering individual will be assigned to your loved one to aide in their daily life. This mentor will escort the client to meetings, appointments and help them establish a recovery support network. These services are highly customized and tailored to you or your loved one.
Our Sober Companion & Recovery Mentoring Protocol is ideal for any recovering person seeking to strengthen and protect their recovery. If your loved one has completed treatment before, but relapsed following treatment, this service is the next logical option. Often times our clients express knowledge of recovery skills but struggle with executing the actions necessary to maintain abstinence.
Intervention 180 understands that treatment is not enough for some and not an option for others. Whether you have tried treatment and relapsed or have non-negotiable commitments that may place your recovery at risk, this service can help. Recovery Mentoring Services allow obligations to be fulfilled without jeopardizing recovery.
Your Recovery Mentor will come and stay with you or your loved one, around the clock if needed. Our Mentors are discrete, professional and supportive. These services are often used by people following treatment to ensure success. An Intervention 180 Recovery Mentor is available for anywhere from 2-weeks to several months.
business services
Team Building and Employee Drug Testing are a few of the services we have provided for employers throughout the united states. Every year addiction costs American employers over one billion dollars in lost revenue, injuries in the workplace, lack of productivity and company loss. Statistics show that an "open door" policy about addiction or an EAP program, helps to minimize the losses related to addiction. Smart and Successful employers across the country are starting to realize that; just because an employ is an addict does not mean he or she is no longer of value. Educating your company can help your employees identify possible problems and seek the help they need. Before it costs you time, money or a life. Whether your business is 5 employees or 5,000, we can help create a safe and healthy work environment for you and your company. Here is a menu of services we provide for business's across the United States and Canada:
Workplace Intervention
Creating Company Drug Policies and Procedures
Employee Monitoring Programs
Company Education
Team Building
EAP Services (tailored to your company)
Addiction Information is vital to the process of recovery. Following many of our education sessions family members remark "I wish I had known this years ago." Drug addiction information, cross addiction information, gambling addiction information, information on sex addiction, all provide the family with a new perspective on their loved ones situation. Many families feel their addicted loved one is "selfish", "lazy" or has a "lack of willpower". Our education sessions help families see the medical reasons why addicts behave as they do.
What We Cover
Intervention 180's sessions include cross addiction information, drug addiction information, gambling addiction information, information on sex addiction and many other forms of addiction. These presentations address how the addiction has influenced the family, spouses, employers and children. We discuss the process of family recovery and what each persons role is when supporting an addicted loved one. Many times we utilize PowerPoint presentations to help emphasize the medical components of addiction.
What Family Addiction Education Sessions Involve
These services can be provided even if family intervention is not necessary. Whether you need drug addiction information, gambling addiction information, cross addiction information or any other type of addiction related family education, we can help. As we have mentioned, Intervention 180 is comprised of professionals, equipped with the latest information about addiction. We provide educational PowerPoint presentations for families, businesses, organizations, treatment centers and events. We also provide educational services for intervention specialists and other professionals regarding family intervention, teen intervention and other addiction treatment services.
Addiction is a family disease and can be handed down genetically. Researchers, Doctors and Child Psychologists are finding that educating children and teens about the medical and genetic aspects of addiction is the most effective prevention to date. Parents often are unsure of what to say to their kids about addiction. Intervention 180 can help. If you have any questions about an in-home presentation, you are invited to contact us at 888-435-7960.
Cross Addiction Information
Cross addiction is the process of changing addictions. It is not uncommon for someone following a treatment episode to experience cross addiction. If an individual is addicted to heroin or an street drug, it is a misconception that a legal drug, like alcohol, is an acceptable replacement. This results in what is know as "cross addiction".
Public Speaking
Addiction and recovery are misunderstood topics in our society. Intervention 180 is dedicated to erasing the stigmas related to these topics. Upon request we are glad to send one of our consultants, intervention specialist or other professionals to give a public PowerPoint presentation on an addiction related topic. Whether it is a room full of doctors, students, judges or your family, Intervention 180 is honored to provide an educational and inspirational presentation for you.
If you have any questions such as: requesting a specific Intervention 180 intervention specialist staff member, availability date, cost, or topics, please feel free to contact us.
Symptoms of Eating Disorders, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Disorders can cause erratic and unpredictable behavior. Transporting someone to treatment can be highly problematic and dangerous if not handled correctly. Intervention 180 specializes in transporting persons with eating disorders, addictive disorders, mental health disorders, behavioral disorders and other problems. We transport adults, adolescents and seniors. We also have nurses available to escort individuals with health conditions.
We also understand that some people have careers, court-dates, family emergencies and contractual obligations which cannot be avoided during treatment. It is for this reason Intervention 180 provides Sober Transport Services. One of our Sober Escorts will transport a client from treatment to appointments and ensure the client returns to treatment safe and sober. We also provide sober transport services for those going home or transferring from treatment. This service is available nationally and includes a vehicle when necessary.
Sober Coaching
Sober Coaching, also known as recovery coaching, was designed to assist clients who need additional support in their recovery. Whether you have 2 days or 2 years of abstinence, life can still seem difficult. This is why we have made Intervention 180 Sober Coaching available for all recovering individuals. Each client will be given a Sober Coach, this coach will be available for scheduled phone sessions and around the clock phone coaching if necessary. Intervention 180 matches appropriate sober coaches to the client, based on gender, age, background and location.
Sober Coaching, similar to life coaching, has been shown to help individuals with reliability, accountability, anger, loss, goal setting, difficult life situations and self esteem. Many of our sober coaching clients have been sober for considerable periods of time. Many have encountered a "rocky" period in life such as loss of a relationship, loved one or even a relapse. They report that sober coaching has been an easy and fun way to improve their quality of life and re-dedicate themselves to recovery.
Sober Coaching has also been highly effective amongst newly recovering individuals. Helping them reintegrate into their home environments and learn how to apply recovery tools into their lives. Early recovery is a dangerous time and Sober Coaching can help ensure a successful outcome. If you have any questions about the sober coaching process please call our help line.
Treatment Centers
Our staff at Intervention 180 takes the time to visit the programs we refer to. Many of the programs we suggest are programs we have worked with over the years. Most of our team has had prior training working within treatment centers. We know what to look for and what is required to provide the best treatment available. It is our goal to ensure families and the identified patient, are comfortable with the treatment center they choose. Please feel free to call and ask questions.